Why Do Veins Collapse When Drawing Blood in Healthy Patient

Beverly Hills is the go-to place for the treatment of any venous disorder, from spider and vascular veins to collapsed veins. Different as the two may be, they are equally unsightly and potentially dangerous.

It is a widely known fact that varicose vein treatment in LA is just what the doctor ordered (pun intended) if you want to have your varicose veins go away. The same goes for collapsed veins, which are another common venous disorder: consulting a vein specialist as soon as first symptoms appear is of paramount importance. Again, they are not only unsightly but may also put your health at risk.

So when should you start worrying about varicose and collapsed veins?

What are the symptoms of collapsed veins?

Loss of circulation, cold hands and feet, sharp, stabbing pain, discoloration (the injection site turns blue or black), as well as itching which usually begins once the vein starts to heal.

What causes collapsed veins?

The typical cause of collapsed veins are chronically administered intravenous injections, or, to be more precise, IV injections administered improperly and on a regular basis. They are the result of repeated trauma at the injection site, which happens in the following cases:

  • Using one and the same vein for multiple injections
  • Using a blunt needle for the injection
  • A hasty and abrupt removal of the needle after injection
  • Improper injection technique
  • Using drugs that cause irritation or inflammation of the vein

We know what those of you who have never had to deal with this must be thinking: collapsed veins only happens to IV drug addicts! Sadly, this is not so: collapsed veins are in fact relatively common.

Do collapsed veins heal?

Collapsed veins can heal unless there has been permanent damage, which can be prevented easily enough: once injections into the vein in question stop, the vein can start to heal. Aside from the natural healing process, the doctor may recommend the use of supplements and vitamins or a medical intervention: blood thinners or surgery.

When are collapsed veins dangerous?

Collapsed veins become truly dangerous once they have suffered permanent damage, which is only likely to happen in the case of neglect over a long amount of time. If you notice symptoms of collapsed veins, contact a vein specialist immediately.

When should I be concerned about varicose veins?

Even the earliest varicose vein symptoms can serve as a warning sign. Consulting a physician is the only way to determine with certainty whether your varicose veins are a reason for concern and a cause for alarm. The physician will also recommend lifestyle changes to help alleviate symptoms and prevent progression of the condition.

Of course, you are free to also seek alternative ways to find much-needed relief for varicose veins, such as using massage to relieve varicose vein discomfort. But if you want long-term solutions, you will need to undergo examination and treatment by a qualified vein specialist.

How do you know if varicose veins are dangerous?

It would be a gross understatement to say that the symptoms of varicose veins are unpleasant, as they can be downright unbearable. Symptoms include constant fatigue and discomfort, itchiness and swelling, swelling and pain. Sometimes, they also serve as warning signs of what are potentially life-threatening varicose vein-related conditions.

Leaving varicose veins untreated is a mistake anyone can make. However, since varicose veins are a condition that tends to worsen with time, you would be ill-advised not to see a doctor as soon as possible. In other words, no one can guarantee that your condition will not become aggravated to the extent that it puts your health at risk.

Varicose vein treatment LA residents swear by

With its glamorous historic Greystone Mansion and eclectic Rodeo Drive, the city of Beverly Hills is a place that offers something for everyone, including those in search of varicose vein treatment. Dr Ivan Brooks at the Beverly Hills Vein Institute is ready to step up to the plate and make any pain and discomfort you may be struggling with go away. Give us a call today and let us make your varicose veins a thing of the past.

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Why Do Veins Collapse When Drawing Blood in Healthy Patient

Source: https://www.beverlyhillsveininstitute.com/blog/when-are-collapsed-varicose-veins-dangerous

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