Dark Souls 2 Dukes Dear Freja Easy Cheese
Quick Links
- Where To Find The Duke's Dear Freja
- How To Defeat The Duke's Dear Freja
- Duke's Dear Freja's Move Set
Dark Souls 2 is full of challenging fights, as are all other games in the difficult game series. There are lots of strong foes to encounter throughout your adventure, you'll often even have trouble with regular enemies, but boss fights usually present the toughest challenge due to their high health and powerful attacks.
Luckily, there are many strategies you can employ to defeat every boss without breaking a sweat, especially if you know their resistances and weaknesses. There's a lot to learn about Duke's Dear Freja, so here's everything you need to know to encounter and defeat her in Dark Souls 2.
Where To Find The Duke's Dear Freja

The primary way to encounter the Duke's Dear Freja is by traveling through Brightstone Cove, since it's the main boss of the level. However, you'll encounter the Duke's Dear Freja in a different location if you're playing on New Game Plus.
On New Game Plus, you'll encounter the Duke's Dear Freja boss on the cliff that leads into the Prowling Magus boss fight. However, it's challenging to fight the Duke's Dear Freja at this location because she'll quickly leave the area if you don't defeat her in a short period after encountering her.
Any damage you do to her here will actually carry over to the encounter in the normal arena.
How To Defeat The Duke's Dear Freja

Duke's Dear Freja has many resistances but also has quite a few weaknesses. Firstly, you should never use poison damage because Freja is immune to it. Fire, bleed, and strike damage won't deal much damage, but Freja isn't completely immune to them. For the most effective damage type, hit Freja with lightning, magic, or dark damage.
The Duke's Dear Freja boss fight is harder on New Game Plus because she has about 50 percent more HP; however, she'll have the same resistances and vulnerabilities, so the fight doesn't change too much.
Immunities | Poison |
Resistances | Lightning, Magic, Dark |
Vulnerabilities | Fire, Bleed, Strike |
Health | 4,220 |
New Game Plus Health | 6,752 |
Summon Ashen Knight Boyd

If you want to make the fight with Duke's Dear Freja easier, then you can summon Ashen Knight Boyd to fight by your side. Ashen Knight Boyd has high defense, so he can absorb a lot of damage. You'll find Boyd's summon sign under a spider web next to the Fog Door.
Although Ashen Knight Boyd can't fully defeat Duke's Dear Freja on his own, he will likely deal with the small spiders you encounter during the boss fight.
Defeat The Small Spiders As Quickly As Possible

During your fight with the Duke's Dear Freja, the boss will spawn many tiny spiders that'll act as a distraction. None of the spiders are powerful because they only have 200 health each. However, the small spiders will introduce a problem if you don't defeat them quickly.
As soon as the small spiders spawn, you need to place your full attention on them. If you don't deal with them immediately, then they may distract you, causing you to get hit by the Duke's Dear Freja and lose the fight. Small spiders will appear immediately at the beginning of the boss fight, so defeat them before damaging Freja.
Hit The Heads

Duke's Dear Freja has a shell that absorbs most damage, so you have to hit one of her heads to deal any damage.
You'll find one head on each side of Freja's body, so you can damage her regardless of which side you're facing. Make sure to be careful while damaging Freja, as many of her attacks involve her heads.
Duke's Dear Freja's Move Set

The Duke's Dear Freja has many attacks, so you need to know about all of them to fight her effectively. Here are each of Freja's attacks and how to avoid them.
Jump Attack
Freja's jump attack is the hardest to avoid since she has such a large body. She'll jump into the air and attempt to land directly on you. Try to dodge whenever you see her jump into the air.
Ram Attack
When Freja starts to jump slightly into the air, then she's about to ram you. Luckily, this attack is easy to avoid. Just stay away from Freja's head and dodge towards her side to avoid taking damage.
Web Balls
Freja will occasionally shoot out balls of web at you, which will slow you down. Since maneuverability is so important in this boss fight, you need to dodge this attack when Freja starts spitting at you.
Magical Beam
When Freja starts shooting a beam, it'll move from left to right. You can't block the beam, but you can roll dodge under it or run to the far right side where her second head is to avoid it.
Leg Sweep
Freja will often attack by hitting her legs against the arena. You can dodge this attack normally since it has a short-range.
Acid Spit
Freja's acid spit move is hard to dodge, so you should move to the other side of the room away from her once it starts. You'll know when this move starts because Freja will begin to slam her legs onto the ground over and over again. The acid doesn't deal a lot of damage, but it will deplete your armor durability.
Pincer Attack
Freja will begin to spread her pincers out and run at you. You can dodge this attack by traveling to Freja's side, which makes it one of her easier moves to avoid.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/dark-souls-2-dukes-dear-freja-boss-fight-strategy-guide/
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